Genau is a translation agency that provides professional and finely crafted translations in the following language pairs - German-Finnish, English-Finnish and Finnish-German. Genau also provides proofreading and editing services in Finnish ensuring that your text is stylish and grammatically correct.

Genau was created by Anne Kilpi, a freelance translator with Master’s degree.

“I received my MA at the University of Tampere in 2004 majoring in Finnish language and literature and German Philology. I worked for several years as a language teacher in a comprehensive school, until my desire to educate myself even more and willingness to find new challenges led me to study Multilingual Communication and Translation at the University of Tampere. Since then I’ve worked as a freelance translator delivering translations to my customers around the world.

My aim in every project is to produce top quality translations that meet all the customer’s expectations. I believe an important part of a professional translation work is sticking to the agreed schedule.”

Our services include translations from German or English into Finnish and from Finnish into German within different areas of expertise for both private and business customers. Translations are done using the subject-specific terminology and are always delivered to the customer on time.Translations comply with the terms and conditions of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (SKTL).

Genau translates texts in a variety of fields including literature, legal documents, medical texts and marketing.

Proofreading services for Finnish texts include checking spelling, punctuation and grammar. We also check syntax and ensure that the fluency, style and flow of the texts is just right for our customers and their target audiences.

Genau collaborates closely with several international translation agencies and delivers translations direct to businesses.

Published literature translations

Zoë Beck, Minun silmäni näkevät, Kustantamo Huippu 2022
(Paradise City, Suhrkamp Verlag 2020)

Veit Heinichen, Kuolema odotuslistalla, Kustantamo Huippu 2021
(Tod auf der Warteliste, Paul Zsolnay Verlag 2003)

Simone Buchholz, Mexikoring, Kustantamo Huippu 2021
(Mexikoring, Suhrkamp Verlag 2018)

Monika Helfer, Roskaväkeä, Kustantamo Huippu 2021
(Die Bagage, Carl Hanser Verlag 2020)

Lucy Fricke, Tyttäret, Kustantamo Huippu 2020
(Töchter, Rowohlt Verlag 2018)

Simone Buchholz, Verikuu, Kustantamo Huippu 2020
(Beton Rouge, Suhrkamp Verlag 2017)

Frank Wedekind, Mine-Haha tai Nuorten tyttöjen ruumiillisesta kasvatuksesta, Kovasana Kustannus 2020
(Mine-Haha oder Über die körperliche Erziehung der jungen Mädchen, Verlag Albert Langen 1903)

Veit Heinichen, Karstin kuolleet, Kustantamo Huippu 2020
(Die Toten vom Karst, Paul Zsolnay Verlag 2002)

Veit Heinichen, Karstin kuolleet, Kustantamo Huippu 2020
(Die Toten vom Karst, Paul Zsolnay Verlag 2002)

Simone Buchholz, Krokotiiliyö, Kustantamo Huippu 2019
(Blaue Nacht, Suhrkamp Verlag 2016)

Simone Buchholz, Revolverisydän, Kustantamo Huippu 2019
(Revolverherz, Droemer Verlag 2008)

Veit Heinichen, Kullekin suo kuolemansa, Kustantamo Huippu 2018
(Gib jedem seinen eigenen Tod, Paul Zsolnay Verlag 2001)

Nicolas Barreau, Meillä on aina Pariisi, Tammi 2015
(Paris ist immer eine gute Idee, Thiele Verlag 2014)


Each project is different, so prices are determined individually, depending on the length and complexity of the text.